Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Another Threshold Crossed...

Eeek! It finally happened! My oldest daughter had her first car accident! But don't panic--no blood was spilled, the car was not totalled, and all have lived to tell the tale. I think it can be classified as a "Fender Bender." As far as I can tell, (she doesn't want to talk about it much for some reason), she was on her way home from school -- and she had lost her purse by the way, thought it was stolen, but that's another story -- and was stopped by a red light at the train tracks near the high school. Well, we had taught her to never stop on the tracks, and Jess stopped and felt that she was just over the edge and thought that maybe she shouldn't be. So she put the car in reverse and, well, you guessed it, she didn't look first, she leaped, and drove backwards right into a larger vehicle. So while she was hysterical and hyperventilating, the other driver called the police on his cell phone. Of course, poor Jessica didn't have her cell phone with her, she didn't even ask to borrow one to call dad or me or anyone to come help her. She had to deal with the police all by herself, get two tickets -- her first ones, I might add -- one of which was for an expired inspection sticker that no one had noticed, ooops.... Everyone has calmed down. I don't even think dad yelled. At least the girls said he didn't, which is good for dad! The car has nearly $1800 worth of damages. But, lucky for Jessica, the other vehicle she thought had hardly any! And we have not received any calls from the insurance company so maybe it was not really damaged. We are all hoping that's the case.

Meanwhile on the other side of town....
I have finished my March blocks for the March Happy Block Swap. The theme for March is "Ocean". I ended up doing 8 blocks.
Here they are:

I had lots of fun doing these. I made 2 of each so each winner will receive 4 different blocks from me. In fact, 2 of the centers of those 4 are from the same fabric! It was sooo awesome, I had originally only purchased a fat quarter, but I had to go back and get some yardage of it, it was just too cool.

In the HB swap, everyone does their own thing -- they just have to make this 8.5" block and in the "theme of the month." I believe April's theme is "Bugs."

If you go to and look in the forum; then swaps & exchanges; then happy block quilt, Louise has posted her quilt top she has been working on from the valentine blocks she won from the January draw. You can definitely pick out my 3 blocks!! [Just look for the turquoise with the pink hearts; somebody had to add some other colors, didn't they?!?]

Drive Carefully,

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